Media Releases

Tasmanian Gas Strategy

Written by APGA | Jan 12, 2023 9:47:00 AM

The Australian Pipeline and Gas Association commends the Tasmanian Government’s national leadership in the transition toward zero-emission gases and welcomes the opportunity to share its expertise as a leader of Australia’s renewable gas industry.

The Tasmanian Government’s Future Gas Strategy acknowledges the continued economic importance of gas for residential, commercial, and industrial users and sets out a sensible pathway toward renewable gases as the industry continues to develop and mature.

APGA chief executive Steve Davies says there are ready-to-go opportunities to decarbonise Tasmania’s gas pipelines and networks today, and the Future Gas Strategy will provide certainty to the industry as it continues its decarbonisation journey toward Net Zero.


“The Tasmanian Government is a leader in the renewable energy space, and this forwardthinking strategy can serve as a template for other states to follow,” Mr Davies said.


“In continuing its encouragement of the renewable gas industry’s development, Tasmania has substantial opportunities to solidify its energy security and, with the right policy settings, become a net-exporter of biomethane to domestic and international customers.”

“The strategy also outlines a step-plan for Tasmanian users of coal and diesel to transition to cleaner-burning natural gas before ultimately using renewable gas. This represents immediate and common-sense decarbonisation avenues in hard to abate sectors.”

Tasmania is already net self-sufficient in renewable electricity through hydro power and will, through Marinus Link, become a net exporter of renewable electricity to the mainland.

Similarly, Tasmania can become a major producer of biomethane, which is harvested through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter and is a carbon-neutral fuel that can be continually replenished through sustainable farming and waste management practices.

The renewable gas offers the most technically simple and cost-effective early emission reduction opportunity for Australians and is readily usable in existing pipelines and networks. It is already extensively used in overseas markets with Copenhagen on track to use 100% biomethane by 2025.

To learn more about renewable gases and how the APGA and the broader gas infrastructure industry are helping to deliver the least-cost pathway to net zero, click here.



The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, designers, constructors, and service providers of Australia’s pipeline infrastructure, connecting natural and renewable gas production to demand centres in cities and other locations across Australia. Our members offer a wide range of services to gas users, retailers and producers and ensure the safe and reliable delivery of 28 per cent of the end-use energy consumed in Australia.


For further information or the opportunity to engage with Mr Steve Davies please contact:
Paul Purcell
Government Relations Manager
0422 247 750