Media Releases

Victorians welcome new gas supply to unlock a net-zero renewable future

Written by APGA | Apr 6, 2023 10:43:00 AM

New research commissioned by the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) has found Victorians are majorly in favour of bringing on new natural and carbon-neutral renewable gas supply to help provide cost-of-living relief, safeguard domestic energy security, and hasten the transition to net zero.

The Redbridge study conducted between March 18-27 had a sample size of 3,032 people and was taken across inner-city Melbourne, outer suburban Melbourne, as well as Bendigo, Ballarat, and Wodonga.

Approximately 63.8 per cent of respondents acknowledge the importance of natural gas in Australia’s transition to net zero, with more than 40 per cent of respondents indicating it was ‘very important’.

Only 22.2 per cent of Victorians believe natural gas is ‘not important’. Similarly, only 25.9 per cent of Victorians do not support gas projects – even if they unlocked further expansion of renewable projects. Interestingly, these results were primarily driven by Victorians within the 18-24 years age demographic.

APGA chief executive Steve Davies says Victorians recognise the role of gaseous energy, both natural and renewable, as vitally important for the long-term affordability and security of the energy system.

“There is a mistruth that the domestic gas industry works in opposition to renewable generation - it’s not accurate,” Mr Davies said.

“Natural gas provides the security to support significantly higher levels of renewable generation at the lowest cost for households and businesses. Moving to carbon neutral gases such as biomethane and hydrogen as well as the use of carbon capture and storage technology will be key parts of the transition.”

“It’s clear the majority of Victorians share the view of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Energy Minister Chris Bowen as well as the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) about the importance of natural gas and would welcome new supply to help get us to net zero as quickly and as affordably as possible.”

“There is an enormous opportunity ahead of us to hasten Australia’s energy transition at the lowest cost by phasing out coal-fired electricity generation, and bringing on new wind turbines as well as small and large-scale solar projects that are firmed by natural gas today, and renewable gases into the future.”

APGA is at the forefront of the domestic renewable gas industry, including hydrogen and biomethane, and is committed to Australia’s emissions reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030 and net zero by 2050.

The research also revealed Victorians are very positive about using carbon-neutral renewable gases such as biomethane or hydrogen in their homes. More than half (52.3%), hold a favourable or very favourable opinion of using renewable gases in the home, compared with just 17.9 per cent who would prefer not to use them. One in three (29.8%) were neutral about the use of renewable gases in the home.

In Victoria, more than two million homes (76% of the state) are connected to the domestic gas grid.

To learn more about renewable gases and how the APGA and the broader gas infrastructure industry are helping to deliver the least-cost pathway to net zero, click here.


The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, designers, constructors, and service providers of Australia’s pipeline infrastructure, connecting natural and renewable gas production to demand centres in cities and other locations across Australia. Our members offer a wide range of services to gas users, retailers and producers and ensure the safe and reliable delivery of 28 per cent of the end-use energy consumed in Australia.


For further information or the opportunity to engage with Mr Steve Davies please contact:
Paul Purcell
Corporate Affairs Manager
0422 247 750