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APGAApr 24, 2024 1:37:46 PM1 min read

YPF trip to AJ-Stack Solutions

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On Wednesday the 27th of March a number of young pipeline professionals had the opportunity to visit AJ-Stack Solutions as part of an event organised by the Young Pipeliners Forum (YPF). There was a great turn out with people from a wide range backgrounds and experience representing various companies in attendance.

From the moment we arrived, the team at AJ Stack Solutions were welcoming and enthusiastic about sharing some of their knowledge and expertise on the installation, operation and maintenance of Gas Compressors and turbines. We heard stories of some of the challenges AJ-Stack had encountered over the years and how they went about solving these issues for their clients.

Throughout the trip, we had the chance to learn about their innovative approach to training personnel using Virtual Reality Modules that can be completed anywhere, providing valuable experience to operators before they have to deal with the real thing in the field. Some of the attendees even had a go at building a compressor in virtual reality for themselves.

One of the highlights of the trip was the opportunity to see the various models and compressors on display to examine up close and have a play with. After receiving a run down on the operation of the compressors we then had the chance to split into groups and work together to try and determine the correct valve positioning through different phases of the compressor’s operation.

To cap the event off some we finished up the day just down the road from AJ-Stack with some great beer, chicken wings and conversation at Bad Sheppard.


- Written by Nathan Crouch from YPF Committee and Inductabend 




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