About the Pipeline Engineering Competency System
"PECS" – Pipeline Engineering Competency System
The APGA “PECS” – Pipeline Engineering Competency System” is a competency framework specifically for the pipeline industry.
It will assist you, as Pipeline Engineers and Pipeline Industry personnel, to see the full breadth of possible competencies and knowledge you can pursue in the pipeline industry.
There’s no shortage of possibilities!
The PECS provides for you:
- A structured way of documenting and assessing competency in the pipeline industry.
- Consistent elements and a standard format across the competencies, for quick understanding of the requirements
- Categorisation and separation of competencies for grouping by type, topic, level, area or point in a pipeline’s lifecycle.
- A clear identification of the requirements of knowledge, experience and expertise for achieving that competency.
- Description of the roles and responsibilities associated with each competency.
- Tools and resources to make the competency standards more accessible and useful
The APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency System (PECS) is available for members only. Use of the PECS is under licence. See the copyright statement.
Copyright of the Competency System, its components and the explanatory material is owned by the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association Ltd.
You may print or reproduce this material in whole or in part for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation, provided you acknowledge APGA as the source.
Except for any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 or APGA, all other rights are reserved. You must not copy, adapt, publish, distribute or sell this material without the permission of APGA.
Using the Competency System
APGA’s Pipeline Engineering Competency System (PECS) has been developed for the use of its members who represent the broad spectrum of the pipeline industry. There is a range of uses for the system that are directed to training and developing the pipeline engineering capability within the industry.
Members that wish to adopt and incorporate the PECS into their own competency systems must identify the relevant PECS as “© Australian Pipelines and Gas Association Ltd 2020” and acknowledge APGA as the source.
If you wish to use the PECS as part of training courses you offer on a commercial basis to external parties, other than for designing the courses, you must first obtain APGA’s consent. Modification of the content of the individual competencies is not permitted unless specifically licensed by APGA.
The Competency Standards will be revised periodically so that they remain current and fit for use. APGA welcomes member comments regarding additions or changes to the Standards. Please contact the Chair of the PECS Committee via apga@apga.org.au