Pipeline Engineer Registration
Oil and gas pipeline engineering is available as an area of practice on the National Engineering Register (NER).
Engineers play a key role in our society and economy. Ensuring that engineers who work in the oil and gas sector are appropriately qualified and that they have the knowledge, experience and expertise required is essential to ensure Australia continues to build and operate its transmission pipelines safely, sustainably and efficiently. The ability to clearly recognise competent pipeline engineers is an important part of ensuring the safety of oil and gas pipelines.
Pipeline engineering is multidisciplinary, drawing on a broad range of general disciplines, including civil, chemical, mechanical and structural engineering. With the exception of Queensland, engineering is a self-regulating profession in Australia. Recognising the key role that registration can play in ensuring that standards are nationally protected and understood, and that the profession is portable, APGA has worked with the National Engineering Register (NER) to establish Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering as an area of practice. This means that appropriately qualified and experienced pipeline engineers (those who already hold CPEng) whose competency is verified can apply to become registered in this area of practice in addition to their general area of practice, such as mechanical or civil engineering, or they can become Chartered in the area of practice of oil and gas pipeline engineering.
The APGA Board has expressed its endorsement of pipeline engineers gaining Chartered status in Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering.
Find a registered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer
You can find a Chartered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer by searching Engineers Australia’s National Engineering Register. Follow the link then choose Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer from the list of areas of practice. The search feature enables the creation of a list of Chartered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineers.
Assessment to become registered as an Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer
The criteria and application requirements for CPEng in oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering are set and maintained by a Competency Panel of senior pipeline engineers and related professionals from across the major sectors of the industry. These are set out in an Application Guideline available from Engineers Australia.
Applications are assessed by an Engineers Australia assessor supported by a member of the Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering Assessment Panel, which is made up of experienced current practitioners and has been established by the Engineers Australia and APGA. Assessment is based on the criteria set out in the Application Guideline, which apply APGA’s Pipeline Engineer Competency Standards.
Achieving the competencies to demonstrate the required breadth and depth of knowledge, experience and expertise is expected to take some time. APGA has designed two templates that act as the application for Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering and are aligned to reflect two of Engineers Australia’s pathways to CPEng:
- the standard pathway for engineers with less that 15 years’ experience seeking Chartered status in Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering, APGA’s portfolio template which enables pipeline engineers to record their knowledge and experience in detail and have it verified.
- the CV and Interview (CVI) pathway for engineers with 15+ years’ experience, APGA’s competency summary template, which does not require the extensive information required by the portfolio.
In each case, the engineer will also need to attach a detailed CV that has been verified. The Competency Portfolio and Competency Summary can be downloaded from APGA’s website here
Charter in Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering is open to engineers who have already charter as a professional engineer in another area of practice, such as mechanical, civil, or chemical engineering.
Charter in Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering is open to engineers who have already charter as a professional engineer in another area of practice, such as mechanical, civil, or chemical engineering.
How to become a Chartered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer
How to become a Chartered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineer
The eligibility and application requirements for Charter in the Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering area of practice are set out Application Guideline available from Engineers Australia, or my emailing APGA at apga@apga.org.au.
For engineers with less than 15 years’ experience Engineers Australia’s standard partway is available. The steps to take in applying the standard pathway are:
- Download the Application Guideline fort Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering for Engineers Australia’s website
- Download the Competency Portfolio template from APGA’s website
- If you or your employer are an APGA member, contact the APGA secretariat to obtain and logon to the APGA x-info database where the PECS is held
- If you or your employer are not a member of the APGA contact APGA about getting a temporary licence to access the x-info database for 6 months. The licence fee Is $100
- If you don’t already have a Competency Portfolio complete the Portfolio consulting the competency standards on APGA’s PECS x-info database. You are not required to have your individual competencies verified, but you can aggregate your verifications and arrange for two verifiers.
- The remaining steps are found on Engineers Australia’s website.
For engineers with 15+ years’ experience the CVI pathway is available.
The steps to take in applying the standard pathway are:
- Download the Application Guideline fort Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering for Engineers Australia’s website
- Download the Competency Summary template from APGA’s website
- If you or your employer are an APGA member, contact the APGA secretariat to obtain and logon to the APGA x-info database where the PECS is held
- If you or your employer are not a member of the APGA contact APGA about getting a temporary licence to access the x-info database for 6 months. The licence fee Is $10
- Complete the Competency Summary and arrange for it to be verified by two verifiers
- The remaining steps are found on Engineers Australia’s website
- If you have questions about gaining Chartered in Oil & Gas Pipeline Engineering, check the FAQs first. If you don’t find the answer to your question, email APGA.
Charter in Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering
Frequently asked questions.
Chartered Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineers will have both a breadth and depth of knowledge, experience and expertise. Breadth of understanding is demonstrated by achieving competency in a set of 16 core competency standards. The core competency standards and the numbers required for each group are listed in the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Portfolio and the Competency Summary. Depth of knowledge, experience and expertise is demonstrated by attaining competency in at least 10 elective or specialist competencies, which represent aspects of pipeline engineering that the engineer can take full responsibility. While these do not have to be from a single competency area, they should amount to a coherent, related set of competencies that would enable a pipeline engineer to assume a substantive and responsible role in an organisation. You can search all of the competency standards to help design your career path or make an application using APGA’s PECS database.
APGA Board statement on Charter in Pipeline Engineer and the APGA Pipeline Engineer Competency System
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) Board recognises that the high standard of engineering capability in the Australian pipeline industry has been a key contributor to the success and good safety record of the industry. Accordingly, it is committed to ensuring the high quality of Australia’s pipeline engineers endures into the future. To underwrite this commitment, APGA has developed the competency system for pipeline engineers which includes two comprehensive sets of competency standards for pipeline engineers: one for those engaged in the onshore sector and one for pipeline engineers working in the offshore sector.
The APGA Pipeline Engineer Competency System creates a framework for understanding competency and a means of assessing and documenting competency for pipeline engineers. Each competency standard clearly identifies the knowledge, experience and expertise required to achieve competency and outlines the roles and responsibilities that a pipeline engineer will be able to undertake after achieving competency.
The competency system has been developed by panels of industry experts and reviewed by acknowledged leaders in their fields. As such, it represents the considered view of the pipeline industry as to what is required for the broad range of competencies across the areas in which a pipeline engineer might be involved. In addition to steel pipelines the competencies cover plastics pipe (including polyethylene) and composites pipe.
The APGA Board is committed to ensuring that the APGA Pipeline Engineer Competency System is widely recognised and adopted as the industry standard for defining and recognising pipeline engineering expertise. Therefore, the Board strongly encourages the members of the association to implement the competency system. The system is the basis for members’ career planning, skills assessment for individuals and teams for performance assessment and project planning, for planning training and designing courses, for recruitment, and to plan pipeline engineer staff rotations. They are also an essential guide to assessing competency for decision-makers as required by the industry standard, AS 2885.
Engineers Australia has recognised that pipeline engineering is highly specialised and has created a new area for national registration of Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering. The APGA Pipeline Engineer Competency System is the basis of assessment for this registration, for both onshore and offshore pipeline engineers.
The APGA Board believes that Chartered status in the area of practice of Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering through Engineers Australia should be a career goal of all pipeline engineers in our industry, and we encourage all member companies to introduce processes that will eventually lead to their engineers becoming registered.
The Australian pipeline industry is often ahead of trends and industry developments. In the case of the competency standards, we have an opportunity to ensure our industry remains ahead of the world when it comes to education and training – and recognition – of our highly skilled engineers.
We would like to thank the pipeline engineers who have started the trend and have already Chartered and we look forward to the announcement by the Secretariat of many more.
APGA Board