Pipeline Corridor Committee
Much of the growth in the Australian population occurs in the outer suburbs of our capital cities, creating challenges for planning, infrastructure and business.
Urban sprawl, the loss of agricultural land and the social and economic impacts of massive new housing projects are among these challenges which also affect the Australian pipeline industry. Yet, being out-of-sight we are often out-of-mind, and this can be a problem for planners.
In response to these issues APGA created the Pipeline Corridor Committee which includes regulators as well as APGA members and the Secretariat. The Committee has established a common industry position and preferred model for new developments near gas transmission pipeline corridors – and APGA continues to engage with State and Territory planning authorities to ensure our industry is recognised as a relevant stakeholder as early as possible in the planning process.
We are also preparing State-based guidelines for planners and developers looking to build near pipeline easements, and working with the Before you dig Australia campaign to extend the reach of our safety message.
Protection of pipeline corridors impacts widely on our industry – from the need to protect our people, the public and our pipelines, to the question of funding the cost of changes in pipeline design and protection measures needed when land use changes.
Securing nationally consistent treatment of gas transmission pipeline corridors is a long and unfinished journey. Through the work of the APGA Pipeline Corridor Committee and other members of the association, we are making sure that pipelines are no longer just an afterthought in the land use planning process.
Living with Pipelines
APGA's Pipeline Corridor Committee has prepared some helpful information for those living near pipelines or carrying out activities such as construction near pipelines. Learn about Living with Pipelines. Remember to Dial Before You Dig before carrying out any construction work or major digging on your property.
- Establishing a industry-agreed approach to development near gas transmission pipeline corridors.
- Securing regulator representation on the APGA Pipeline Corridor Committee.
- The EPCRC has completed a study of the existing planning legislation in each State and Territory and its treatment of comparable industries.
- Together with the Victorian Farmers’ Federation, APGA released a 2009 update to the easement guidelines, promoting best practice and positive relationships between rural landowners and pipeline companies.
Committee Members