Future Fuels CRC
The APGA is a leading supporter and participant of Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre, the industry focussed Research, Development & Demonstration (RD&D) partnership enabling the decarbonisation of Australia’s energy networks.
Future Fuels CRC works in a collaborative and connected research community embracing industry, academia and government to:
- Focus on the future of a crucial sector of the Australian energy economy.
- Deliver the full potential of low-carbon fuels in the energy supply mix.
- Find safe and reliable solutions to repurpose existing infrastructure and develop new infrastructure to transport future fuels.
- Inform coordinated national policy and regulation associated with low carbon fuels.
- Protect and extend the reliability and safe operative life of energy infrastructure.
- Enable the structures, protocols and linkages to maximise the value of global low carbon fuel developments for Australia.
Future Fuels CRC is at the forefront of research and development to support Australia’s multibillion dollar energy sector to transition to low-carbon fuels. Their research is focussed into three programs to enable this transition:
Program 1 Future Fuel Technologies, Systems and Markets
- Program 1 focuses on understanding the technical, commercial, market barriers and opportunities of future fuels. Our research will generate tools to model production and delivery systems for future fuels including hydrogen and bio methane.
Program 2 Social Acceptance, Public Safety & Security of Supply
- Program 2 studies the social and policy context, including public acceptance and safety, for technology and infrastructure associated with future fuels. Early and effective engagement with communities will build public understanding and acceptance of the major infrastructure innovations and investments required to deliver future fuels.
Program 3 Network Lifecycle Management
- Using outputs of Programs 1 and 2 as well as known technical issues, Program 3 designs new cost-effective integrity systems to enhance operations of the infrastructure carrying both existing and future fuels. Solutions are provided to asset owners on the suitability of metallic and polymer pipe materials for the transport and storage of low carbon fuels.
You can find out more about the work of Future Fuels CRC at www.futurefuels.com