Contractors Committee

Thanks to Nacap for the image
The APGA Contractors Committee brings together the association's contractor members to enhance and promote the safe, efficient and economically effective operations of APGA contractor member companies by promoting frank and open exchange of information on issues of mutual concern and interest, including:
- Industrial relations
- Health and safety
- Stakeholders and the environment
- Skilling and training of the industry
- Technical and equipment developments
- Current issues
- Improving communications at all levels among committee members
- Elevating issues or transferring them to other APGA committees or Subcommittees via the Board of Directors
- Promoting and participating in educational seminars on subjects of common interest
- Promoting VET and scholarship opportunities
- Sharing operational experiences
- Providing understanding of APGA policy and advocacy activities and providing communication tools for members
- Developing research topics to put forward for consideration by the Future Fuels CRC
- Understanding the role of the Future Fuels CRC and discussing research knowledge that is publicly available
- Improving guidelines, standards and legislation with respect to the construction of pipelines
- Supporting the development of the APGA Young Pipeliners Forum (YPF).
Commercial issues are not discussed and commercially sensitive information is not shared through the APGA Contractors Committee.
The committee meets twice a year. Additional meetings are scheduled if the need arises.
Committee Members