Darling Downs Pipeline
The Darling Downs Pipeline (DDP) consists of three interconnected gas transmission pipeline licences in the Darling Downs region in South-East Queensland that operate as a single pipeline network. It links the Wallumbilla gas hub near Roma with the Talinga gas plant near Chinchilla and Origin’s Darling Downs gas fired power station near Dalby in Queensland.
The DDP spans 292km in length and transports gas from the Bowen-Surat basin to the Wallumbilla gas hub, Origin’s 630MW Darling Downs Power Station, and to APLNG’s export pipeline.
The DDP is owned and operated by Jemena Darling Downs Pipeline (1) Pty Ltd, Jemena Darling Downs Pipeline (2) Pty Ltd, and Jemena Darling Downs Pipeline (3) Pty Ltd.
The DDP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the National Gas Rules.