![SOUTH EAST SOUTH AUSTRALIA PIPELINE](https://39713956.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hub/39713956/hubfs/events-banner-1.jpg?width=300&name=events-banner-1.jpg)
South East South Australia Pipeline
The South West Queensland Pipeline (SWQP) is a bi-directional transmission pipeline. It is comprised of two parallel pipelines linking Wallumbilla in SE Queensland to Moomba in SA. It includes:
- The 755km SWQP between Wallumbilla in SE Queensland and Ballera
- The 182km QSN Link (a later extension to the SWQP) between Ballera and Moomba.
The SWQP transports gas between Moomba, the Ballera gas processing plant and the Wallumbilla supply hub. The QSN Link provides the link between Ballera and Moomba. At Ballera the pipeline connects to the Carpentaria Gas Pipeline. At Moomba, it also connects to the Moomba to Sydney Pipeline and the Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline System.
The SWQP is owned and operated by APA Group. The original SWQP was constructed in 1996. In 2008, the QSN Link extension to the SWQP was constructed. In December 2012, the APA Group acquired the SWQP when it completed its takeover of Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund.
The SWQP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the National Gas Rules.
Commercial contact information
Contact APA Group on 07 3323 6110 or via email at Commercial Contracts