Wide Bay Pipeline
The Wide Bay Pipeline (WBP) is a 274km pipeline located in central Queensland. It is owned by Australian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), and is operated by APA Group.
The WBP transports natural gas from Maryborough to Rockhampton via Bundaberg and Gladstone in Queensland.
The WBP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the National Gas Rules – but has Category 2 and Category 3 exemptions. The WBP is therefore exempt from information disclosure provisions, and from publishing service usage information, service availability information and financial information. Accordingly, the amount of information on the WHP provided by APGA’s pipeline information web portal is limited.
Link to explanation of Part 23 exemptions on the AER website
General Information about the Wide Bay Pipeline.
Scroll down to Wide Bay Pipeline heading in the Queensland section of the table. Includes link to line map of pipeline