Central Ranges Pipeline
The Central Ranges Pipeline (CRP) is a 294km transmission pipeline that runs from Dubbo to Tamworth in NSW. It connects the Central West Pipeline at Dubbo to the Central Rangers distribution network at Tamworth. The Central West Pipeline in turn is connected to the Moomba to Sydney Pipeline at Marsden.
The CRP is owned and operated by APA Group through its wholly owned subsidiary Central Ranges Pipeline Pty Limited. Commissioned in 2006, the CRP was initially owned by Country Pipelines Pty Limited but was purchased by APA in August 2008.
The CRP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the NGR but has a Category 3 exemption. The CRP is therefore exempt from publishing service usage information, service availability information and financial information.
Link to explanation of Part 23 exemptions on the AER website