Fortescue River Pipeline (FRGP)
The Fortescue River Gas Pipeline (FRGP) is a 270km transmission pipeline in NW Western Australia. It connects the Dampier to Bunbury pipeline (at a compressor station around 150km south of Karratha) to Fortescue Metals Group Limited’s Solomon Hub iron ore operations.
The FRGP is owned and operated by the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) through its subsidiary DBNGP (WA) Nominees Pty Ltd.
The FRGP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the NGR – but has a Category 2 exemption and is therefore exempt from information disclosure provisions. Accordingly, the amount of information on the FRGP provided by APGA’s pipeline information web portal is limited.
Link to explanation of Part 23 exemptions on the AER website
General Information about the FRGP.
Scroll down to the Fortescue River Pipeline heading in the Western Australia section of the table. Includes link to line map of the pipeline.