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Our Board of Directors has a prime responsibility for formulating policy and for managing APGA. In accordance with the APGA Constitution, Directors on the Board are elected for a two-year term. The term of the President is two years, and the positions of Vice President and Treasurer are each held for one year. The day-to-day operations of the association are the responsibility of the Secretariat.The APGA has a long history of industry particiaption, with our first board members appointed in 1968.  APGA became incorporated in January 2004 and from then was directed by a Board of Directors.Previously, the association was led by a similar body called an Executive Committee.*Resigned  +Became President




Vice President


Immediate Past President

APGA Director

APGA Director

APGA Director

APGA Director

APGA Director

APGA Director

APGA Director


Chief Executive

2023-2024 J Stuart- Robertson S Ward L Richards D McDowall K Lester C Warner L Brierly M Nash S Pearce J Smith   Michelle Wickson S Davies
2022-2023 D McDowall J Stuart- Robertson W Oldham T O’Sullivan L Guevara K Lester D Maloney L Richards S Ward C Warner   P Heffernan / Michelle Wickson S Davies
2021-2022 D McDowall J Stuart- Robertson W Oldham T O’Sullivan L Guevara R Keable K Lester D Maloney L Richards S Ward   P Heffernan S Davies
2020-2021 T O'Sullivan D McDowall W Oldham D Maloney L Guevara R Keable K Lester L Richards J Spink* S Ward from 1/02/2021 J Stuart-Robertson   P Heffernan S Davies
2019-2020 T O'Sullivan D McDowall W Oldham D Maloney P Cox M Dayman L Guevara K Lester L Richards J Stuart-Robertson   S Dobbie S Davies
2018-2019 D Maloney T O’Sullivan W Oldham   J Cleary P Cox M Dayman K Lester D McDowall L Richards J Stuart-Robertson S Dobbie S Davies
2017-2018 D Maloney T O'Sullivan W Oldham S Reardon P Cox J Cleary A Cribb* M Dayman K Lester D McDowall J Stuart-Robertson S Dobbie S Davies
2016-2017 S Reardon D Maloney T O’Sullivan M Dayman P Cox A Cribb K Lester D McDowall W Oldham J Stuart-Robertson M Twycross S Dobbie C Cartwright
2015-2016 S Reardon D Maloney T O’Sullivan M Dayman P Cox J Frith K Lester D McDowall J Stuart-Robertson M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2014-2015 M Dayman S Reardon D Maloney K Lester M Cooper P Cox J Frith B Jones T O’Sullivan M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2013-2014 M Dayman A Kellett M Cooper K Lester P Cox J Frith B Jones D Maloney S Reardon M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2012-2013 K Lester M Dayman M Cooper P Cox G Chugg* J Frith B Jones A Kellett C Oliver S Reardon M Twycross* S Dobbie C Cartwright
2011-2012 K Lester M Cooper R Robinson P Cox M Dayman B Jones A Kellett M McCormack S Reardon M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2010-2011 P Cox K Lester R Robinson A Kellett M Cooper M Dayman M Durham G Feurtado M McCormack M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2009-2010 P Cox K Lester R Robinson A Kellett M Cooper M Dayman M Durham G Feurtado M McCormack M Twycross   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2008-2009 A Kellett P Cox G Fitzgerald*   S Banning M Durham L Fletcher K Lester M McCormack R Robinson M Twycross S Dobbie C Cartwright
2007-2008 A Kellett M Twycross P Cox M Harper* S Banning M Durham G Fitzgerald L Fletcher A Lukas* M Malaxos M McCormack S Dobbie C Cartwright
2006-2007 M Harper A Kellett P Cox M Twycross A Freer* M Kimber A Lukas M Malaxos M McCormack G O’Meally   S Dobbie C Cartwright
2005-2006 M Harper C O’Reilly G Fitzgerald M Twycross P Cox A Kellett M Kimber A Lukas M McCormack     S Dobbie C Cartwright
2004-2005 M Twycross M Harper C O’Reilly J McDonald B Andrews G Fitzgerald A Kellett A Lukas M McCormack     S Dobbie A Beasley* | C Cartwright
2003-2004 M Twycross M Harper C O’Reilly J McDonald B Andrews G Fitzgerald A Lukas M Whyte D Williams V Pedersen*   J Bond* | S Dobbie A Beasley
2002-2003 J McDonald M Twycross M Harper   B Andrews J Dill G Fitzgerald A Lukas S Ortenstone* V Pedersen D Williams J Bond A Beasley
2001-2002 J McDonald M Twycross B McCaul G Fitzgerald M Harper M Lauer A Lukas S Ortenstone V Pedersen     J Bond A Beasley
2000-2001 M Lauer J McDonald B McCaul G Bowley* J Holm* M Kimber A Lukas S Ortenstone B Ride M Taylor M Twycross J Bond A Beasley
1999-2000 J Holm M Lauer J McDonald B McCaul B Andrews M Kimber A Lukas I Peries M Taylor J Vaughan*   J Bond A Beasley
1998-1999 A Lukas J Powell J McDonald B Andrews J Holm A Knox M Lauer J Matterson J Rice* M Taylor   J Bond A Beasley
1997-1998 B Andrews A Lukas R Gration J Balint M Bumpstead M Cabral* G Minson S Timms G Voss J Powell   J Bond G O’Meally
1996-1997 S Timms B Andrews R Gration R Gration J Balint M Bumpstead D Head* A Lukas J McGee S Ohl I Roach J Bond  
1995-1996 J Balint S Timms R Gration R Buckham D Head R Keller* A Lukas J McGee S Ohl G Bowley   J Bond  
1994-1995 S Ohl J Balint R Gration R Buckham G Bowley D Head J McGee N Psaltis S Timms     G Tredinnick  
1993-1994 G Bowley I Roach R Gration N Cain D Head J McGee S Ohl C Rottier S Timms     G Tredinnick  
1992-1993 C Rottier G Bowley G Witty* R Gration N Cain D Head J McDonald J McGee I Roach M George   G Tredinnick  
1991-1992 J McDonald C Rottier G Witty G Bowley R Gration P Haig-Smith* J McGee G O’Meally K O’Malley I Roach N Cain G Tredinnick  
1990-1991 K O’Malley A Newham G Witty R Gration P Haig-Smith J McDonald I Roach C Rottier J Shepherd G Campbell   G Tredinnick  
1989-1990 K O’Malley A Newham G Witty P Baker G Campbell R Gration R Keller P Richardson J Shepherd J McDonald   G Tredinnick  
1988-1989 G Campbell A Newham G Witty P Baker R Gration J Kaye K O’Malley P Richardson J Shepherd     G Tredinnick  
1987-1988 G Campbell A Newham G Witty P Baker R Gration J Kaye A McLean* K O’Malley P Richardson P Haig-Smith   G Tredinnick  
1986-1987 G Campbell A Newham G Witty P Baker R Gration J Kaye A McLean K O’Malley P Richardson     G Tredinnick  
1985-1986 P Richardson A Newham G Witty W Butterfield* G Campbell R Gration J Kaye A McLean K O’Malley     G Tredinnick  
1984-1985 P Richardson A Newham G Witty K Barker W Butterfield G Campbell R Gration J Kaye G Minson     T Maskery  
1983-1984 W Butterfield A Newham G Witty K Barker D Curry R Elvish* K Fitzgerald J Kaye P Richardson R Gration   T Maskery  
1982-1983 W Butterfield G Howes G Witty K Barker D Curry J Kaye A Newham P Richardson J Shoukry     T Maskery  
1981-1982 G Howes W Butterfield G Witty K Barker D Curry J Kaye P Richardson J Shoukry D Towell     T Maskery  
1980-1981 D Curry G Howes G Witty W Butterfield J Link J Kaye S McDonald R Sheard J Shoukry     T Maskery  
1979-1980 D Curry G Howes K Barker W Butterfield J Kaye S McDonald R Sheard J Shoukry G Witty     D Rolf  
1978-1979 S McDonald T Hoffman K Barker D Curry G Howes J Kaye R Sheard J Shoukry G Witty     D Rolf  
1977-1978 S McDonald R Whitfeld K Barker D Curry G Howes J Kaye P Richardson R Sheard G Witty     D Rolf  
1976-1977 S McDonald G Howes R Bird C Gore J Gray S Maffezzini K Piesse F Studwell R Whitfeld     D Rolf  
1975-1976 C Gore T Hoffman S McDonald J Gray G Howes S Maffezzini D McConnell K Piesse A Thomas     J Murcott* | D Rolf  
1974-1975 C Gore T Hoffman S McDonald K Barker R Curtis C Cavallotti G Howes D McConnell G Simadas     J Murcott  
1973-1974 K Piesse S McDonald S McDonald K Barker C Gore W Hastings T Hoffman G Lord D McConnell     L Walter | R Bonhomme  
1972-1973 C Johnson L Lussu S McDonald T Hoffman K Piesse             J Fulton* | R Bonhomme  
1971-1972 L Lussu C Johnson K Piesse S McDonald E Carse             J Fulton  
1970-1971 J Wildasin* C Johnson K Piesse L Lussu+ E Carse* R Weaver* H Weaver J Bonwick       K Piesse  
1969-1970 TL Plake* C Johnson F Spil* E Carse+ L Lussu* R Looper* R Weaver J Wildasin D Rolf     K Piesse  
1968-1969 TL Plake C Johnson W Morgan L Lusso W Glover             K Piesse  

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