Palm Valley Pipeline
The Parmelia Gas Pipeline (PGP) is a 445km (including laterals) transmission pipeline in west and southwest Western Australia. It transports gas from the Perth basin gas fields near Dongara (south of Geraldton), the Carnarvon Basin (via the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline) and APA’s Mondarra Gas Storage Facility. It also interconnects with the ATCO Gas distribution network in the Perth metropolitan area.
It is comprised of a 416km mainline and several laterals. The 1.4km Kwinana Supply Lateral delivers gas to customers in the Kwinana industrial area south of Perth. Various other single user gas laterals also connect to the PGP.
The PGP is owned and operated by APA Group. It has a mix of network, retail, electricity generation, as well as oil and aluminium refinery customers in the Perth area and the south west of Western Australia. Construction of the PGP was competed in 1971.
The PGP is a non-scheme pipeline under Part 23 of the National Gas Rules.