National Hydrogen Strategy Review
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
AEMC Rule Change Requests to harmonise Rules with the updated energy objectives
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Safeguard Mechanism Production Variables Update
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Safeguard Mechanism International Benchmarks
APGA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on incorporating international best ...
South Australia’s green paper on the energy transition
Reliability and supply adequacy framework for the east coast gas market
Executive summary APGA welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the ...
AEMC Rule Change Request – Compensation and Dispute Resolution Frameworks
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Inquiry into the feasibility of undergrounding transmission infrastructure for renewable energy projects
AER June 2023 proposed amendment to the 2022 Rate of Return Instrument
AER June 2023 proposed amendment to the 2022 Rate of Return Instrument The Australian ...
Climate Change Authority Review
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act draft Bill
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct
Pipeline Information Disclosure reforms
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Gas Wholesale Market Monitoring and Reporting Reform
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Standards Australia consultation on amendments to AS4564
3 May 2023
Regulating for the prevention of new fossil fuel gas network connections
City of Melbourne Planning Amendment C376
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
IPART Review on the future of embedded networks in NSW
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2023-25
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...
Implementation of East Coast Gas System Guidelines
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) represents the owners, operators, ...