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Website Update Image for Blog
APGANov 14, 2023 2:51:21 PM2 min read

Upgrading our website for an enhanced experience

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In response to the ever-evolving digital landscape and to better cater to the needs of our valued members, we have invested time and resources into revamping our website. This upgrade is not just a visual facelift; it represents a comprehensive effort to elevate the user experience and ensure that interacting with our online platform is as intuitive and enjoyable as possible.


Key Benefits of the Website Upgrade:

  1. Enhanced User Interface: Our redesigned website boasts a modern and intuitive interface, making navigation smoother and more user-friendly. We've focused on simplicity without compromising functionality, ensuring that users can effortlessly access the information they need with a website they are used to visiting.
  2. Mobile Responsiveness: Recognising the growing trend of mobile browsing, our upgraded website is fully responsive across various devices. Whether you're accessing our site from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, you can expect a consistent and optimised experience.
  3. Improved Speed and Performance: We understand the importance of fast-loading pages. Our upgraded website is optimised for speed, ensuring that users can access content quickly and efficiently. This not only improves the user experience but also contributes to higher search engine rankings.
  4. New Features and Functionality: The upgrade introduces new features and enhanced functionality to provide users with a more enriching experience. From improved search capabilities to interactive elements, we've incorporated elements that align with the evolving expectations of our audience.
  5. Streamlined Content: We've revisited and refined our content to ensure it is concise, relevant, and easily digestible. This not only facilitates quicker information retrieval but also contributes to a more engaging and informative browsing experience.


So what’s new (Last updated 14 December 2023)

Update to how events look and run.

  • Events are our biggest shift, employing the benefits of a powerhouse eventing platform, Eventbrite. The update allows us more flexibility, better reporting and the opportunity to enhance member value.

Submissions, News and Press Release

  • Our delivery mechanism for submissions has been updated, moving it from a purely PDF based deliver to an hybrid delivery. This helps us with Google search and should have an impact on our digital reputation.
  • Press releases are now available immediately, no longer after a 3 hour wait. This allows us to be agile in the market and make sure our messaging is relevant.
  • News is a more managed and curated section now, with more engagement opportunity and the ability to keep members more up to date than ever before.

Revamped Home Page

  • Our home page has been restructured to give you access to the important things first. Click through our lead banners to see what the latest is across the APGA.

Updated navigation

  • The new APGA site has an updated navigation, allowing for a more streamlined journey though the website.

Updated Members Only Sections

  • For those logging into the site as members, the members only section has changed. You will find a few more resources behind the member wall, easily accessible as soon as you are logged in, with more to come.

Updated Training Page

  • We have a new Training page to highlight all the opportunities available through 2024 for training. 



If you have any questions or are keen to find out more about the page update, please feel free to reach out to Lawrence

Lawrence Shelton

Communications Manager



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