This report aims to demonstrate the potential capabilities of the integrated electricity and gas system (IEGS) modelling tool under development in conducting studies on the electrification of heating for the electricity and gas transmission networks of the state of Victoria as an initial testbed. In particular, the studies consist of assessing the impact of electrification of residential heating on the electricity and gas networks of Victoria, under the “Central” scenario in AEMO’s integrated system plan (ISP) for the year 2025.
The results from these initial studies demonstrate the efficacy of the modelling under development to support techno-economic assessments of future low-carbon scenarios and the importance of bottom-up integrated multi-energy sector, network, and system assessment with relatively high spatial and temporal resolution and suitable operating constraints, which are lacking in most if not all studies performed so far. Next steps envisage the extension of the Victorian system test case to the whole eastern gas transmission network and the National Electricity Market (NEM) transmission network.