Standards Australia, the nation's leading organisation for developing and maintaining technical standards, is pleased to announce the availability of a draft standard for public comment. We invite you to provide your valuable feedback on the proposed standard, DR AS 4822:2023 External Field Joint Coatings for Steel Pipelines.
The draft standard has been developed by the ME-038 Subcommittee ME-038-08 Pipeline Coatings, comprised of experts and stakeholders in the field, with the aim of establishing guidelines and requirements for external field joint coatings used in steel pipelines.
The public comment period for the draft standard will be open from 28/06/2023 to 30/08/2023. We encourage you to review the draft and provide your insights, suggestions, and concerns to ensure that the final standard reflects the best practices and requirements of the industry.
To access the draft standard and submit your comments, please visit the following link:
Upon clicking the link, you will be directed to the Standards Australia Public Comments System, where you can view the draft document along with the latest comments received. You may also submit your feedback directly through the system.
Your input is crucial to the development of robust and effective standards that promote safety, efficiency, and quality in the petroleum pipelines sector. Your expertise and perspective will help shape the final version of DR AS 4822:2023, benefiting the industry as a whole.
We appreciate your time and dedication in contributing to the standardisation process.